/nana Asare barimah Outspoken Kumawood actor, Ogyam has takenshots at actress Gloria Kani in a new video. Two weeks ago, Ogyam, in a telephone conversation on Peace FM’s Entertainment Review show hosted by Kwasi Aboagye said Gloria Kani bathed on a tuber of yam and cooked it for a …
Read More »VIDEO: Ogyam makes more allegations about Gloria Kani, says she paid men to sleep with her By Dr. Ray -August 27, 20200135 Outspoken Kumawood actor, Ogyam has takenshots at actress Gloria Kani in a new video. Two weeks ago, Ogyam, in a telephone conversation on Peace FM’s Entertainment Review show hosted by Kwasi Aboagye said Gloria Kani bathed on a tuber of yam and cooked it for a rich man to eat and also slept with a mad man for protection. And in a new conversation with Dr. Ray on, Ogyam made even more revelations, explaining how the rich man found out that Gloria had bathed on the yam she cooked for him. According to him, Gloria Kani repented from her evildoing and became born again after the rich man exposed her. Ogyam also alleged that Gloria Kani used to pay men to sleep with her. He also narrated how Gloria had a baby with the preacher known as Eagle Prophet. Watch the video below: nana Asare barimah Outspoken Kumawood actor, Ogyam has takenshots at actress Gloria Kani in a new video. Two weeks ago, Ogyam, in a telephone conversation on Peace FM’s Entertainment Review show hosted by Kwasi Aboagye said Gloria Kani bathed on a tuber of yam and cooked it for a …
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